Tips to get your household prepared ahead of Idalia

Idalia will be approaching the Coastal Empire and Lowcountry area Wednesday. Here are some steps to review that can be taken now to protect your household and minimize damage to your home and belongings.


·       Stay tuned to local radio, official news and/or community websites, and TV for warnings, safety announcements or instructions.

·       Have a bag ready and plan your evacuation route so you’re prepared if leaving the area becomes necessary.

·       Stock up on emergency supplies but be aware others will need supplies, too.

·       Reinforce the outside of your home, particularly doors, windows, walls and roofs.

·       Move anything inside that could become flying debris in high winds, but only if there’s enough time and it’s safe to do so.

·       Anchor outdoor items that are unsafe to bring inside, such as fuel tanks.

·       If emergency officials haven’t directed you to a public shelter, get your family to the basement, a closet, a small room or a hallway away from windows. The more walls between you and the outside, the better.

·       Review insurance policies and catalog your belongings, if there is time.

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